L'art Pour L’art, Group Exhibition, The Art House Gallery
Curated by Rebecca George, CEO/Curator, The Art House Gallery
Press Release
December 1-31, 2021
New work by Contemporary Artists exploring the philosophy of “art for art’s sake”:
Sarah J. Berman
Stasi Bobo-Ligon
Rebecca George
Ken Hogrefe
Hannah Seki
Daniel Martin Sullivan
Steven Tritt
"Art for art's sake—the usual English rendering of l'art pour l'art, a French slogan from the early 19th century—is a phrase that expresses the philosophy that the intrinsic value of art, and the only 'true' art, is divorced from any didactic, moral, political, or utilitarian function.
Art for the sake of art affirmed that art was valuable as art in itself; that artistic pursuits were their own justification; and that art did not need moral justification, and indeed, was allowed to be morally neutral or subversive. Such works are sometimes described as autotelic (from Greek: autoteles, 'complete in itself'), a concept that has been expanded to embrace "inner-directed" or "self-motivated" human beings."--Definition excerpt from Wikipedia
L'art Pour L’art is live the month of December, 2021, and available in the archive thereafter.
*Artists receive 100% commission from their sales with The Art House Gallery. We love our collectors!