Blood/Soil, Steven Tritt

Solo Exhibition

Blood/Soil, Steven Tritt, Solo Exhibition

The Art House Gallery 

Curated by Rebecca Gray

Exclusively Online at 

August 2024 

Press Release


Review by: Kristen Beaulieu

Self in Place

Blood/Soil is a retrospective by Steven Tritt’s documenting his experiments and ever-widening range of emotions through the theater of landscape. While many of these works have been celebrated in previous shows, there are very notable recent additions in this solo exhibition. The unstudied mark-making in lighter golds and greens of “Descending Ascension” is a dynamic example of a joyful approach. In this work, Tritt plays with perspective; perhaps he is humorously alluding to the ups and downs in life and our inability to tell the difference. “Landscape Plan” is another example of extreme perspective, this time clearly from above. “Landscape Plan” is a beautiful combination of layered washes and bold brushstrokes, rendered in an extended secondary triad palette of purple, green, orange, yellow and blue.

In contrast to the dizzying appeal of such works, the monochromatic “Land Space” feels grounded. In “Land Space”, Tritt sets an intriguing scene with an appealing composition of gestural mark-making. “Premonition” is another example of an abstracted, yet grounded landscape accomplished with techniques like washes and bold gestures, this time executed in a unique format with vibrant blues and golds.

An Art House Gallery veteran who has been showing with the gallery since 2018, Tritt has built an expressive body of work around the themes of self and place, with the recent work of the 2020s growing even stronger as Tritt confidently experiments with a wider range of perspectives, medias, palettes, and moods.